Monday, March 1, 2010

6 Flags Reading Logs

Last call for 6 Flags Reading Logs! Mrs. Beasley will be submitting the forms tomorrow. Please be sure to send in your signed forms by tomorrow!

Spring Picture Orders

Tomorrow will be the last day to submit orders for the Individual Spring Pictures.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti Relief Fund Collection

Several BPE students suggested that we collect money to benefit the Haiti Relief Fund. Our school will be accepting donations in the library and the front office through Wednesday, 1/27. Thanks for your help!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Lunch Bunch

We'll be having Lunch Bunch in our classroom on Thursday, 1/7 to celebrate all the reading that was done over the Winter Break.
No need to send a sack lunch to school that day if you don't want to....we'll all make a trip down to the cafeteria to pick up any lunches from the lunch line before we return to our classroom for our little picnic.
Great job reading, Guys and Gals!

Friday, December 18, 2009

About Role Models and Character - Love and Logic

This was sent to us by our Guidance Counselor from the Love and Logic series:

Are your kids falling into the trap of seeing professional athletes as role models? I hope you are encouraging them to view these people as great role models for how to play the sport, while at the same time showing them that they may not be good role models for how to lead a responsible life.

Now might be a good time to have a conversation about role models:

"I see you really like the way Tiger Woods plays the game of golf. I bet you like the way he prepares both physically and mentally. He sets a good example for this. Kobe Bryant is also a good role model for competitive basketball playing.

What kind of an example do you think they are setting about how to be a great dad, a loving husband, and an honest, responsible person? Can you think of some good role models for character? Tell me what they do that makes them good role models.

I hope that when you study people you look at their character. If so, maybe you'll never get trapped into believing that being a good athlete, musician, or performer automatically makes you a great person.

My wish for you is that you grow up to be somebody's model for honesty, caring, and responsibility. If so, you won't have to face the public humiliation that Tiger Woods and others have faced when their real character became known."

Thanks for reading!

Jim Fay
Love and Logic

Monday, December 7, 2009

Field Trip a Success

We had a great time on the field trip to the Omni Hotel last Friday! What a terrific way to kick off our Winter Celebrations Unit! The kids were so proud to hang their homemade wreath ornaments on the trees. We got to listen to an all-kids band and enjoyed some cookies and milk provided by the hotel. We were honored to have been asked to participate in the Great Christmas Tree Event - it was the 9th annual celebration this year! On the way home we even got to see a few snow flurries which made the whole bus buzz with excitement. I was very proud of these kiddos - They really know what it means to give to others. What a sweet bunch of kids we have!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wanted: Play-Doh Makers

We are going to be making some 3-D landform maps next week and will need mass quantities of home-made Play-Doh. If you could whip up a batch for us, we'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance for your help with our project!

Here's the recipe:
You will need to double this or make two batches. Do NOT add any coloring to the dough.

1-cup flour
1-cup water
½ cup salt
2 teaspoons cream of tartar (this is found in the spice section)
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

In a heavy aluminum pan, mix dry ingredients. Add oil and water. STIRRING CONSTANTLY, cook 3 minutes or until mixture pulls away from the sides of the pan (medium heat). Immediately knead warm mixture on floured surface. (If it is sticky, add a little more flour and knead some more). When completely cool, store in a plastic storage bag and bring to school. Your kiddo’s teacher will be smiling BIG time! Thank you so much for your help with this project!